Xpertphysio workplace Injury Rehab Program

Xpertphysio is a registerd WSIB provider, we are here to help workers to reduce Pain, restore function and return to work safely…

Workplace injuries are a common problem. Xpertphysio offers programs that provide workplace rehab, Functional capacity evaluation, functional job coaching, and work site ergonomic assessments.

How to get started with Ontario's Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)?
When you had a workplace injury, follow the steps below:
1. Report your workplace injury claim to your employer or first aid attendant immediately. Your employer needs to complete the work injury incident report.
You must then complete a Form 6, which is separate from the incident report.
Please be aware that clients have 6 months from initial report to claim their benefits.

2.  Whether you go to see your doctor or your physiotherapist or chiropractor or registered nurse first, they will also need to complete the appropriate forms.
WSIB will pay for the fee for completion of Form 8 on your initial visit.

3. After these forms have been submitted, you will receive a claim number as well as contact information for a WSIB adjudicator who will be looking after your claim if your claim is approved.

4. Book an appointment with our physiotherapist for an initial consultation.
When your claim is approved, the physiotherapy fee will be handled by our office and WSIB, often at no cost to you.

Please note that a client cannot receive two different services at the same time for the same workplace injury in accordance with WSIB regulations. You do not require a referral from a doctor to receive treatment as physiotherapy and chiropractic care are recognized as primary health care providers in Ontario.

To learn more about WSIB claims
Visit: www.wsib.ca
Or call WISB Ontario: (800) 387-5540